Melbourne Physio Clinic

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Ankle Injuries

The ankle joint is an interesting joint and complex, as with the rest of the human body! 

It is made up of the shin bone (tibia) along with an adjoining bone that runs beside the tibia called the fibula and they form an arch that a bone called the talus sits in. This is stabilised by ligaments on the inside (medial) and outside (lateral) of the ankle - these lateral ligaments are the ones that you injury when you roll your ankle. 

Did you know that the ankle joint is the only joint of the body that you can completely rupture all of the ligaments and get an equal if not better outcome with Physio rehabilitation?

The ankle is another region of the body that requires high quality knowledge and care. The differences between an accurate diagnosis means the difference between a three to four week injury taking three weeks and one taking three months. 

You see there are smaller injuries to pick up that happen in such a gross movement that, if they are detected early mean that you recover swiftly. 

At Melbourne Physio Clinic, we get ankles right that others can't, we also prevent them from occurring again. 


From the archives

When working up at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra, I used to sneak down to the South Coast, NSW each weekend to my favourite part of the world. One weekend, there was a national tournament at the AIS for basketball and a colleague from the Australian University Games team (Greg Wernecke - Team  Manager for Victoria at the time), asked if I could forgo my plans and help out a Victorian player that had rolled his ankle badly the night before and was arguably the best player in Victoria if not the country. I stayed back for the Saturday morning and spent an hour or so working away on his ankle to get him up to play. The athlete went on to be selected for Australia, drafted to the NBA and win a championship with Le Bron James. He was quietly introduced to me by the name Delly and now that name has been chanted to deafening levels in the NBA.  

I only saw an ankle, clearly Greg saw something more. 

If we can help one ankle that wasn't able to walk without a limp to play in a National tournament without jeopardising his career then the CBD's premier Physiotherapy clinic can certainly diagnose and manage your ankle injury - no matter the sport, your ability or the dance floor you injured it on!