Ergonomic Assessments

The premise of ergonomics is to decrease the amount of stress going through the body whilst in a specified position.

We have established these principles, however, now that we are spending more time in the home environment it becomes much more challenging to apply them. There is no formula and each person, desk, computer and screen type is different.

Melbourne Physio Clinic offers online ergonomic assessments. During an online ergonomic assessment, we look at the entire set up individually and with over a decade of experience in online consultations, we have the skills and the experience to ensure that we are providing the best service available.

The assessment starts with a history of your injuries and then a review of any current or recent pain and injury. An assessment of specific movements is performed then your set up will be established.

The position specifics of each body part is established, working from the ground up and then upper body, neck and head positions are focused on - with fine tuning of these positions live. 

This is then combined with a recommendation of sitting versus standing (or break time) along with exercise recommendations to prevent pain and respond to any early signs of physical stress.

We follow up our clients to ensure that all recommendations are understood and being implemented.

We look forward to helping you stay healthy whilst working from home!

Melbourne Physio Clinic Founder and Physiotherapist Luke Pickett assessing a patient online

Director Luke Pickett assessing a patient online